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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                329
through abortion; how many of them had he ordained as prophets?
The US through covert actions of the CIA has facilitated and planned coups in nations
around the world.
The US has facilitated armed conflicts between nations and has often supplied the
military hardware to both sides.
The US has been involved in conflicts around the world but seldom if ever have they
gotten involved when it was Christians who were being killed (i.e. Rwanda).
The US has adopted foreign aid policies that have decimated the agricultural industries
within countries and has left them vulnerable to famine and death.
US pharmaceutical companies have marketed dangerous and contaminated
pharmaceuticals around the world. Vaccinations have been contaminated with mutant
viruses which have and continue to kill an unknown number of people around the world.
The sale of vaccinations with mercury have been discontinued in the US because there
has been a proven link to autism but the mercury laden vaccines continue to be provided
to third world children.
Famed Russian Dissident Speaks on U.S and other Western Aid to the USSR
“On June 30, 1975, Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn, the famed Russian author, lecturer,
historian, intellectual, and recipient of a Nobel Prize, gave one of the most important addresses
delivered in this country during the Twentieth Century. To a select and packed audience in the
ballroom of the Washington Hilton.” The lecture is summarized below by Dr. Harold Pease, a
Professor of History at Palo Verde College:
Solzhenitsyn advised his listeners of the existence of an amazing and
mysterious alliance, “at first glance a strange one, a surprising one - but if you
think about it, one which is well grounded and easy to understand. This is the
alliance between our Communist leaders and your Capitalists.” Solzhenitsyn
explained that the alliance of which he spoke was not new. He said the great
Capitalists of the United States assisted Lenin “in the first years of the
Revolution,” and that since then “we observe continuous and steady support by
the businessmen of the West of the Soviet Communist leaders.”
The Russian told those assembled that the Soviet economy is so clumsy
and awkward that it will never overcome its own difficulties by itself. He charged
that the enslaved Russian masses could have thrown off Communism several
times had not Western assistance been poured into the USSR to sustain the
Communist leadership. He pointed out that “the major construction projects in the
initial five-year plan were built exclusively with American technology and
materials. Even Stalin recognized that two-thirds of what was needed was
obtained from the West. And if today the Soviet Union has powerful military and
police forces ... used to crush our movement for freedom in the Soviet Union ...
we have Western capital to thank for this also.”
The movement for freedom behind the Iron Curtain is very real, according
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