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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                337
similar functions within those states. But does the Attorney General truly enforce the laws of the
nation or individual states? What about the instances when the government has injured someone
or their property, engaged in fraud or conducted other illegal or even criminal activity itself?
When the government has injured someone or their property, engaged in fraud or has
conducted other illegal or even criminal activity itself, the Attorney General defends the
governments behavior. The public is left to fend for themselves. They must hire their own
attorneys if they can find one that will take on the government and if they have hundreds of
thousands of dollars laying around to pay a retainer. In rare instances, if there is a death involved
they are able to get an attorney on retainer. Most often, for most people who have been harmed
by the government, there is no government accountability and no realistic opportunity to access
the courts in order to hold the government accountable.
Criminal Courts
Anybody that has watched 60-minutes, 20/20 or reads the paper should be aware of the
terrible wrongful convictions that occur in America. It seems that criminals all too often go free,
have reduced sentences or make plea bargains while the innocent are sentenced to long prison
terms. In Washington State a car thief must be found guilty seven times before he is sentenced to
prison. Representative Keys speaks to this subject, he states:
Our rights that have been given to us from God are now being taken from
us.... [Increasingly] whether suspects are guilty has come to matter less than
making sure they are either indited or convicted or more likely even coerced into
pleading guilty....
Promises of lenient sentences and huge government checks encourage
criminals to lie on the witness stand, something that is becoming all too
Prosecutors routinely withhold evidence that might help to prove a
defendant innocent.... Some federal agents work so closely with their under cover
federal informants they even become law breakers themselves.... Those who
practice this misconduct are almost never penalized or disciplined.... The
philosophy of the past 10 to 15 years is what ever works is right....
Congress has eliminated many of the checks and balances preventing the
abuse of power.... A person who fights a federal charge must by law now receive
more time than someone who pleads guilty to the same charge....
In prosecutors and law enforcement agents eyes there is no such thing [as
an innocent victim of prosecution] once you have been charged you are guilty
regardless of the truth.
Former Deputy Attorney General Arnold Burns has stated: “There is a fragile balance
between the rights of the defendant and the rights of the government. That balance has shifted
resulting is misconduct in every phase of federal criminal cases, from the investigation, to the
arrest, to the trial, to the sentencing.”
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