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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                374
previous reports from his PRA. While Berlet has demanded “an end to federal grand jury
investigations of left-wing terrorists” he has proposed that: “‘political internment’ of law-abiding
conservatives is justified by the ‘war on terrorism.’”
It is very concerning and frightening that not only is the government profiling Christians
as terrorists but they’re also relying on reports of Communist and Marxist extremists. They also
vilify those with concerns about the NWO as conspiracy theorists while the plans for a NWO are
a matter of fact.
Apparently in response to Project Megiddo, the Phoenix office of the FBI
put out a
brochure identifying Christians and patriots as potential domestic terrorists in 1999. The
shocking document was made public in 2001. The brochure was intended to both educate local
police about potential domestic terrorists and solicit their help in identifying individuals that
might fit the profile presented in the brochure. While the KKK and Skinheads have been
associated with acts of violence, other groups identified in the brochure were presumably singled
out because of their opposition to the NWO and their Biblical beliefs.
The first group singled out by the brochure are “Right Wing Extremists,”
“‘defenders' of US Constitution against federal government and the UN (Super Patriots).” Those
associated with the “Common Law Movement” are targeted as well as the members of the
“Christian Identity.” These are groups of individuals with no known ties to terrorism. They are
known for their defense of the Constitution as well as their belief in the Bible. Members of the
“Common Law Movement” take political stands such as refusing to get certain licenses which
the believe are in violation of the Constitution. These people are known to endure great personal
sacrifice and persecution. Many take their stand on behalf of all Americans. One of the frightful
activities that the FBI singled them out for is they “Attempt to ‘police the police.’”
We need more believers in the Bible and morality, “Super Patriots” and watchdogs who
defend the Constitution and who keep track of the actions of those who rule over us and who are
sworn to protect us. The Constitution's Bill of Rights reserves those rights which come to us
from God; those who defend these rights are our friends! Defending and upholding the
Constitution is the obligation of the President, Congress, our judges, the military and all branches
of law enforcement!
Another document to attack Christians is a Pentagon position paper entitled The New
Warrior Class. The paper was written by
Major Ralph Peters, deputy chief of staff for the
Pentagon. Peters’ writes:
The desire for patriotism is considered an enemy doctrine. The U.S. armed
forces must be prepared to fight against all those who oppose the New World
Order and who are holding out for nationalism.… This new warrior class is most
dangerous because they consist of those who fight out of strong religious
Peters was writing about potential opponents of the NWO around the world but he didn't
exclude US citizens. Some of the strongest opposition to the NWO comes from US citizens and
it is certainly true that this opposition comes from “strong religious beliefs.” After The New
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