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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                375
Warrior Class was made public, the Pentagon published an edited version of the paper in
Parameters, the quarterly magazine of the US Army War College. The edited version of the
paper leaves out the above quote.
The fact that the The New
Warrior Class singles out American Christians is made
abundantly clear by FEMA training sessions that identify Christians as terrorists. The classes are
taught to fireman and law enforcement personnel. The following is from a class taught on July 7,
2001. It was videotaped by one of the attendees who sent it to Alex Jones. Jones put it in his
documentary Marshal Law 911. This is what was said by the FEMA instructor:
The thing about Christians OK, do you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord
and Savior, no. What did they do? They took your head off. They beheaded you if
you didn't accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. See, this is reality! Ya
their terrorists but the bottom line to them is their not! Now why is that important
to understand? Because their as committed to their cause and their way of life as
you are to yours and they see you as being wrong.... When people are passionate
about what they believe in, they become a very difficult enemy to defeat them.
Who where the first terrorist organization in the United States? (The audience
responds—founding fathers.) Your founding fathers, my founding fathers were
involved in acts of terrorism against British officials.... If they [Christians] killed
10,000 civilians tomorrow with a biological agent, thats too bad for them...
The comments of this FEMA instructor not only vilifies Christians but it seems to give a
hint of what will happen in the future. He states: “If they [Christians] killed 10,000 civilians
tomorrow with a biological agent, thats too bad for them.” This seems to suggest that an act of
domestic terrorism in the future will be blamed on Christians.
Christians Must Be Eliminated
As further evidence of the coming martyrdom of Christians in America let us consider
what some non-government sources have said about the coming persecution of Christians. We'll
look at quotes from a wide variety of sources many of which have been very forth-rite in their
desire to see the execution of Christians. Lets start with Dr. M. Scott Peck of Harvard University.
In his book, Marching to a Different Drum Beat, he writes:
There are negative forces – the Christian church and nationalism (he
means the sovereignty of this once great nation) – these threaten to destroy the
world. They are standing in the way of the giant leap forward in the evolution of
man’s global consciousness (a world community of nations).
What Mr. Peck is saying is that Bible believing Christians who love the United States are
standing in the way of a New World Order. So what do the forces behind the NWO intend to do
about it. This is answered by Major Ralph Peters, deputy chief of staff for the Pentagon. In his
position paper titled Warrior Class, Peter’s states: “The U.S. armed forces must be prepared to
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