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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                378
The riders of the pale horse are about to pass among you. Grim Reapers,
they will separate the wheat from the chaff. This is the most painful period in the
history of humanity….
You do not have to participate in the destruction. You are to be
responsible for the construction which shall begin as the tribulations come to an
Barbara, a New Ager with close government ties, is plainly stating that Christians shall be
cleansed from the face of the earth. The New Age religion shall be the one-world religion of
those who appose God's people as described in the book of Revelation. It shall encompass all
false religions and those who deny the existence of God. Under this one-world religion there
won't be a common set of doctrines, almost anything will be acceptable as long as it isn't faith in
Jesus Christ and a strict adherence to his teachings and commandments. In the one-world
religion their will be apostate Christians who don't keep the commandments or teachings of
Another section of American society that is hostile towards Christians is the homosexual
community. Kinman writes that during a 1993 march on Washington, DC homosexuals were
chanting “Christians to the lions.” They are attempting to fulfill this wish by lobbying for the
establishment of “hate speech” as a “hate crime.” Of course what they are attampting to silence
is not hate at all but the word of God. The chant of the homosexuals isn’t much different from
the actual plans which have been made for Christians.
Pam Schuffert, in her many newsletters and alerts posted on the Internet, reveals that the
government detention centers are actually concentration camps constructed for Christians. Pam
grew up in Washington DC, the daughter of an Air Force cartoonist who worked out of the
Pentagon. She was exposed to the most evil elements of our military because her father was part
of a group of Pentagon brass who worshiped Satan. Her writings are based on ten years of
research and countless interviews. She traveled across America and to Europe. She has bravely
faced down some of the most evil men on the planet and asked them tough questions and by the
grace of God she has gotten answers and has lived to report them to those who have ears to hear.
She has become acquainted with many former Satanist who have exposed the secret plans for
Christians. She writes, “These Satanists occupy often high places in the Pentagon, CIA, FBI,
etc... all of which will be used heavily to bring America under martial law and to deal with
Pam's writings would be difficult to believe if it were not for the fact that what
informants have told her is supported by public records and Bible prophecy.
A former CIA assassin and Satanist high priestess who is now a born again Christian
admitted the following to Pam regarding the agenda for a NWO:
We Satanists in the CIA hated the Christians, because they were the
one thing that stood in the way of our implementing the New World Order in
America. So we came up with the concentration camps you are now investigating.
I even helped to draw up some of the blueprints for some of them. Although I
greatly regret my role now, nevertheless they stand to this day and will be
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