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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                379
activated UNDER MARTIAL LAW. We lusted for the hour of martial law when
we could finally get our hands on them legally... I tell you, it will be BRUTAL
RAPE, TORTURE AND DEATH for them once they are arrested and taken
to the concentration camps under martial law....
Another intelligence operative, Michael Moholy, served 20 years in naval intelligence
and the CIA before becoming a Christian. After becoming a Christian he “decided to blow the
whistle on the NWO agenda.” He admitted the following to Pam before he turned up missing and
is presumed dead:
Oh, all of us in the intelligence community know about the
concentration camps in America. We all know that they are to terminate the
resisters of the New World Order under martial law...
Another former Satanist “whose father was a high military Satanist on the west coast and
involved intensely in NWO military planning and mind control” informed Pam:
We Satanists would sit around planning the termination techniques for
people arrested under martial law. We decided that we would prolong the torture
of Christians and other resisters for as long as possible before they would be
As was dealt with in Volume 1, America has “become the habitation of devils, and the
hold of every foul spirit.” Human sacrifice isn’t just something that Satanist talk about, it is
something they put into practice. Satanist from across the country have informed Pam that Satan
is demanding more and more human sacrifices leading up to the creation of the NWO. A woman
who was a high priestess for 17 years over a large region of America told Pam:
Satan was demanding Christians for sacrifice, and we obliged... we
carefully targeted, stalked, and abducted our victims... and they died like all the
These former Satanists attest that these sacrifices of Christians are just a precursor to the
slaughter that will take place under the NWO. Jesus stated that “except those days should be
shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.”
(Matthew 24:22) Marshal Law under a declared national or international emergency is the
mechanism by which the elite have planned to usher America and the world into a NWO (one-
world government). As explained above, under a declared emergency the president becomes a
dictator and the constitution and all our rights are suspended and the concentration camps will be
used for all those who appose the NWO. So how will they know who these people are? They’re
making a list.
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