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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                414
he was killed, it is possible that drugs were used but no drug test was performed by the Medical
The angle of the entrance and exit wound shows that the gun was pointed down at
Yeakey's head in what is known as “execution style.” This would be very untypical of a suicide.
For a man with a large build like Yeakey, it would have been very difficult. But he was suppose
to have done this after having slashed his wrists and throat in his car, lost two or more pints of
blood, walked a mile-and-a-half, crawled under a barb wire fence and then shot himself in a
ditch. On top of all this, there was no physical evidence that the gunshot wound was fired at
point-blank range. Such a wound leaves a “'Stellat,' the tell-tale star shape caused by the
dissipating gases from the gun's muzzle.”
Rivera says that she was given access to another Medical Examiner's report which the
Oklahoma Police insist does not exist. Rivera says this report showed Yeakey's face to be
bruised, swollen and that there was blood on his body that did not match his blood type. His
lacerations were “deep” rather than superficial and they were also filled with grass and dirt. This
would be indicative of his having been dragged for some distance.
In a separate instance, Rivera said that her sister was talking about Yeakey's death at a
social gathering when a mortician overheard and indicated that he had prepared the body for
burial. When pressed for more information, the mortician revealed that Yeakey's “wrists
contained rope burns and handcuff marks.”
After Rivera and Yeakey's sister, Vicki Jones, began asking questions and pressing for
answers they began to be followed by the police everywhere they went. A car was always parked
in front of Rivera's apartment and one in front of her children's school. One day Rivera went to
the school office and spoke to the school officials about the police surveillance. When she got
home, she was confronted with a startling intrusion, her conversation with the school officials
was on her answering machine. Rivera's car was broken into at least once and her apartment was
broken into at least twice. Rivera says, “I'd come home and the alarm would be off. I'd notice
things out of place. There'd be cabinets open that I'd have no reason to have opened.” The
harassment forced her to relocate over 80 miles away.
“One afternoon, while the family was at Police Headquarters, an officer who Rivera
described as Yeakey's 'only true friend,' pulled them off to the side, and whispered 'They killed
Yeakey's death fulfilled its objective, “A fearful rumor began to spread throughout OK
City after his death. “You better be quiet about what you know about the Oklahoma City
Bombing, or they will pull a 'Yeakey' on you!””
Pulling It All Together
As I stated above, this is just a very short summary of the evidence and witness
testimony. While there is much evidence that contradicts the governments official story the
whole story is not known because much of the physical evidence was destroyed. While Timothy
McVeigh had some sort of involvement, it is not known for certain what that was. Was he a
government informant, was he a government agent or was he just a wacko? Hoffman describes a
very significant amount of information concerning McVeigh from the Grand Jury inditement but
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