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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                415
without a proper investigation it is impossible to answer who McVeigh was working for.
While McVeigh was identified as being in the Ryder truck, he may not have been the one
who detonated the bomb. John Doe #2 seems to be a more likely suspect since he left the truck
last. There was also no evidence that linked McVeigh to the demolition charges that experts say
caused the vast majority of the damage to the federal building.
Witness testimony seems to indicate that Middle East terrorists played a part in the
bombing. Evidence also indicates that agents within our own government were involved in the
bombing in some way, at the very least they let it happen. What is unclear is whether this was a
sting gone bad or whether they intended to blow up the building? If it was a sting gone bad, then
they are totally incompetent idiots! I don't think that is the case at all, I think they are very skilled
at what they do.
Additional insight can be learned from Pam Schuffert who reported that she was given
advance knowledge of a major terrorists attack in America several months prior to the Oklahoma
City bombing. Pam is a Christian who has extensively researched and written on the New World
Order and US government plans for Martial Law. She says she received the advance notice from
Ed Pack who is a “brilliant researcher” for the Patriot movement. Ed witnessed the tragedy at
Waco firsthand and filmed much of the footage that is seen in Linda D. Thompson's
documentary, Waco, the Big Lie. Pam says that Ed had contact with moles in the White House
and had the ability to hack into any website of his choosing. Following is what Pam said she
learned from Ed:
Ed spoke to me and warned that there would soon be a massive national
disaster in the form of a great explosion that would cost many lives, and that it
would be deliberately created by the government. One of the purposes was to rush
ANTI-TERRORISM legislation through the Senate and House on the wings of
public sentiment and outcry. But, he cautioned, it would not REALLY be “anti-
terrorism legislation” designed to protect people, but rather a subtle means by
which much greater restraints and restrictions could be placed upon the American
Ed further cautioned, “I have been warned that they will deliberately
blame it on AMERICA'S MILITIAS. Clinton HATES America's militias, because
he knows that they are aware of the government's plans for MARTIAL LAW and
UN takeover under it, and are warning and preparing Americans for this. He
knows the militias are armed and will fight for our freedoms and will never
surrender America to the New World Order...”
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