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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                470
on the first tower. The card showing the attack on the Pentagon accurately shows that the
function of the Pentagon was unaffected by the attack.
The Secret Service raided the game company “accompanied by Austin police and at least
one civilian 'expert' from the phone company” on the morning of March 1, 1990. “A large
amount of equipment was seized, including four computers, two laser printers, some loose hard
disks and a great deal of assorted hardware. One of the computers was the one running the
Illuminati BBS.”
The Secret Service refused to reveal the purpose of the raid. Eventually, Jackson's
attorney's were able to discover that the “investigation zeroed in on 'fraud' supposedly committed
by the company regarding the hacker activity and the fact that the company promoted the
hacker's newsletter, 'Phrack'.” This was nothing less than fraudulent government charges. The
company nearly went bankrupt fighting the government but they prevailed before going
bankrupt. A “Judge threw the case out, awarding S.J. Games $50,000 plus $250,000 attorney's
Considering what happened on 9/11, it is reasonable to conclude that the Illuminati was
trying to prevent the release of a game that revealed their future plans.
The Lone Gunman Pilot
The Fox television network aired a TV pilot which had a plot very similar to 9/11. The
show was called “The Lone Gunman”. In the program militants tried to hijack a plane and fly it
into the WTC. But thats not all there was to the plot. The remainder of the plot was even more
significant and even eerily similar to the scenario suggested by Col. de Grand-Pre. “The terrorist
group responsible was actually a faction of our own government. These malefactors were
seeking to stimulate arms manufacturing in the lean years following the end of the Cold War by
bringing down a plane in New York City and fomenting fears of terrorism.”
FEMA's Early Arrival
In a Dan Rather interview on September 13, 2001, Tom Kennedy, a member of the
FEMA team let the following statement slip out: “We are currently one of the first teams
deployed to help New York City in this disaster, we arrived on late Monday night.” Monday
night was September 10, the day before the disaster. FEMA says that Kennedy mixed up his days
but it was only Thursday when he made the comment. Would you forget the day you arrived for
America’s worst terrorist attack? If FEMA arrived on Monday, would you expect FEMA to
admit that what Kennedy said was true?
Sealing Public Records
In the midst of the 9/11 controversy President Bush issued an Executive Order restricting
access to presidential records. This new Executive Order contains provisions that could make it
much more difficult or even impossible to get access to important public records. It even allows
Presidents in office “to withhold the records of a former President, even if that President wants
those records released.” Further it requires the public to show a specific need for a document
before it can be released. But how can someone show a need for a document they aren't allowed
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