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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                471
to know exists and for which they aren’t allowed to know the subject of? Much of what I have
been able to expose in this book series is because of the Freedom of Information Act. If evil,
corrupt and immoral men are allowed complete secrecy and impunity, their evil deeds, their
power and their control over the lives of the American people will grow without restraint.
A letter from the Congressional Committee of Government Reform to President Bush
notes that:
These provisions clearly violate the intent of law. The Presidential
Records Act was passed by Congress to assure full public access to Presidential
records after a reasonable interval of time. The goal of the law is the orderly and
systematic release of records—not the indefinite suppression of these historical
documents. We are particularly concerned that the Executive Order tries to
rewrite the Act by withholding records that are part of the deliberative process…
The Executive Order violates the intent of Congress and keeps the public in the
This new Executive Order has even set off alarms in Great Britain. The London
Guardian stated that:”
The U.S. president, George Bush, last night signed an executive order that
allows either a past or sitting president to block access to White House papers, a
move that has angered historians, journalists and former president Bill Clinton…
Under the terms of Mr. Bush’s order, any sitting or former president could veto
the release of presidential papers… [T]he order would also mean that Mr. Bush’s
personal papers detailing the decision-making process in the current war on
terrorism could remain in perpetuity.
It cannot be denied that the US government has concealed, destroyed, ignored, classified,
covered-up and lied about evidence concerning 9/11. The official report about the collapse of the
WTC towers and the attack on the Pentagon are not compatible with the evidence. The President
lied about the ability to remotely control aircraft. Military and civilian pilots have stated that the
maneuvers made by the alleged hijacked planes were beyond human flying capabilities; this
rules out the possibility that the planes were piloted by inexperienced, unlicensed hijackers.
There is no physical evidence that a plane hit the Pentagon and the evidence from the collapse of
the WTC towers is consistent with a controlled explosive demolition.
When the twin towers collapsed witnesses saw and heard explosions; the news media
also reported explosions. Pictures and videos show what appear to be explosions. And the towers
collapsed in a way that can only be explained by internal demolition charges. The Bush family
was involved in the WTC security.
President Bush and his staff were involved in what could only be described as an official
stand down on 9/11. Key personnel including the President, the Secretary of Defense and acting
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