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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                473
Germany was a Christian nation and along came Hitler. Millions of Germans wouldn't
believe the evidence—they believed Hitler—and Hitler led them to destruction. Germany was a
democracy, Hitler was elected. He was then made Fuhrer because the people wanted to be
protected from terror after the Reichstag was burned. But the terrorists was Hitler himself, he
ordered the Reichstag to be burnt. The people willingly turned their freedom over to the terrorist
himself, Hitler. He led them to war, eventual defeat and destroyed the nation spiritually as it
became an agent of the destroyer and killed millions in death camps.
In a speech after 9/11 President Bush stated:
The hijackers were instruments of evil who died in vain. Behind them is a
cult of evil which seeks to harm the innocent and thrives on human suffering.
There's is the worst kind of cruelty, the cruelty that is fed not weakened by tears.
There's is the worst kind of violence, clear malice while daring to claim the
authority of God. We cannot fully understand the designs and power of evil. It is
enough to know that evil like goodness exists. And in the terrorists, evil has
found a willing servant.
President Bush seems to be speaking from a position of authority on this subject. The
terrorists were just instruments of evil and evil found them to be willing servants. From the
evidence it clearly appears that the evil which they served was the Bush administration itself!
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