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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                472
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff did nothing as the attacks continued and America watched
in horror. The Air Force is obligated under US law to intercept not only hijacked planes but any
suspicious plane and they routinely do so but not on 9/11.
Both the Bush administration and the Clinton administration obstructed terrorist
investigations. President Bush, Vice President Cheney, National Security Advisor Rice and
others repeatedly lied and said the administration had no advance warnings. The 9-11
Commission concluded that the administration had no less than 12 separate warnings from
intelligence agencies about terrorists using planes as weapons. Further, there were many
warnings and sources not examined by the 9-11 Commission. Warnings came in from all over
the globe. Even many children new about the attacks in advance. The warning varied in their
specifics but many were very detailed. These warnings named the targets, they stated that planes
would be hijacked and used as weapons and they even gave the date of the attacks. Some of
these warnings came from US intelligence agents.
Lieutenant Vreeland from the Pentagons Office of Naval Intelligence was in a Canadian
prison. He said he had been framed, a Canadian judge later found him innocent. While in prison
he scribbled some notes on paper several weeks before 9/11, he sealed it in an envelope, dated it
and had the guards lock it in the prison safe. After 9/11 it was opened by the court. The judge
concluded that he had specific knowledge about the attacks in advance. Lt. Vreeland made calls
from prison trying to warn the administration before he scribbled his note and gave it to the
In October of 2004, David Leventhal wrote in People's Weekly World:
Top administration officials showed, over a period of months, colossal
indifference to a clear and present danger, and did nothing to prevent the 9/11
attacks. The attacks might have been averted or blunted had these officials applied
their full authority and power to the challenge. Their negligence, regardless of its
cause, appears consistent with the Constitution's definition of high crimes and
I agree with Leventhal, the attacks did not occur as a result of the intelligence
community's inability to anticipate such an attack, obtain evidence of an attack, or stop an attack.
They did anticipate the attack, they did get evidence of the attack, they had warnings of the
attack and they could have stopped the attack but they chose not to. 9/11 was the result of big
government interfering, obstructing, concealing and even further, most likely conspiring to bring
the attacks of 9/11 to pass.
Remember in 1962 the Joint Chiefs of Staff authored a report known as Operation
Northwoods. In this report they recommended and sanctioned the use of terrorism in America in
order to justify an invasion of Cuba. Ecclesiastics 1:9 aptly states: “The thing that hath been, it is
that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing
under the sun.” That which Rome, Nazi Germany, the US and other corrupt government have
planned or orchestrated shall be repeated and so we see that 9/11 is a repeat of past government
deceptions and attacks on their own citizens.
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