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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                478
from the tares. In achieving the aspiration of a NWO millions will die. The creation of a NWO
requires military action to bring nations into submission. It also creates billions in profits for the
defense industry. These wars are strategically planned to bring about the goals of the Illuminati.
These goals are many fold. While the ultimate goal is a NWO, there are many lesser
goals. These include strategically placed military bases, the destruction of uncooperative
governments, and the control of strategic resources. The war in Afghanistan brought the the
majority of the worlds opium production under the control of the Illuminati, it removed an
uncooperative government from power, the Taliban, and provided the US the opportunity to
establish military bases in southwest Asia.
It is important to realize, the US does not target oppressive governments for military
action. It targets uncooperative governments. The US helped the Taliban achieve control of
Afghanistan. The US provided Korans and text books for schools. These text books taught jihad.
Taliban leaders attended a barbecue with President Bush at his ranch. But to remain in favor with
the Illuminati you must be a faithful servant. The Taliban refused to permit UNOCAL to build a
oil pipeline across Afghanistan to the oil rich region of the Caspian Sea and so they were
removed from power.
Opium production has increased an astounding 2,000 percent since the US invaded
Afghanistan. The Taliban squashed opium production in 2001 before the war. The US provided
the Taliban $43 million to assist in the destruction of opium but I doubt they thought the Taliban
was serious. The Taliban destroyed over 90 percent of the opium and production fell from a high
of 4,600 metric tons in 1999 to 200 metric tons in 2001.
The fact that this was not expected is
evidenced by the first line of a New York Times article in June of 2001. They write: “The
unexpected success of the Taliban in Afghanistan in eradicating three-quarters of the world's
crop of opium poppies in one season is leading experts to ask where production is likely to
spring up next.”
The answer to their question was right back in Afghanistan but it took the
removal of the Taliban to accomplish this.
This necessitates the question, did the war in Afghanistan have anything to do with the
destruction of the opium crop? In the first year the US forces were in Afghanistan opium
production increased 1,600 percent and by 2004 it had increased 2,000 percent. In 2004
Afghanistan accounted for 87 percent of the worlds supply of opium.
Plans for the 2001 Invasion of Afghanistan were prepared long before the terrorist attacks
on 9/11. India signed onto US plans for and invasion of Afghanistan in March of 2001 and the
BBC reported that the US told other nations of a planned invasion in July of 2001. As reported
by the Guardian, Tony Blair said: “To be truthful about it, there was no way we could have got
the public consent to have suddenly launched a campaign on Afghanistan but for what happened
on September 11.”
So they planned the war but Tony Blair says it would never have happened if it were not
for the attacks on 9/11. This seems to me to indicate that they new 9/11 was coming. Further,
Blair is saying that 9/11 helped their war efforts. This suggests a great motive for the US to
permit 9/11 if they weren't actually involved in the attacks.
The invasion of Iraq was for strategic reasons. It had nothing to do with freeing the Iraqi
people from the tyrannical rule of Sudam Hussein, he was placed in power by the CIA. It also
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