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The Soon Coming Judgment Of God Upon America and How To Escape It                479
had nothing to do with weapons of mass destruction neither. The US provided biological
weapons to Iraq. If Sudam had been more cooperative, he might still be in power today. Iraq is
strategically located for two reasons. It has the second richest oil reserves in the world, and it is
strategically located militarily. The US imports 70 percent of its oil so a secure source of oil,
particularly in a time of war is very important.
Former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neil charged that Bush began planning the war in Iraq
as soon as he took office. In March of 2001, a task force headed by Vice President Dick Cheney
was creating maps of Iraqi oil fields, pipelines, refineries and terminals. They also created charts
detailing oil and gas development projects and compiled a list entitled “Foreign Suitors for Iraqi
Oilfield Contracts.” These documents were obtained by Judicial Watch through a freedom of
information lawsuit.
BBC journalist Greg Palast says “privatization not democracy was at the center of the
secret Bush program” for concurring Iraq. This includes privatization of their oil. This is
evidenced by statements made by retired General Jay Garner in and interview with Palast.
Garner was charged with implementing President Bush's confidential plan for privatization of
Iraq. Regarding these plans General Gardner states: “They didn't start them [plans] in 2002, they
were started in 2001.” He further says the plans contain “hundreds of pages of secretly produced
strategy and lay out the changes to policy, laws, and regulations to allow Americans to own Iraqi
banks and businesses, design Iraqi tax policies and more. Who was invited in to draw up Iraq's
laws?” General Garner answers his own question: “Not the Iraqis!”
General Garner's personal opinions of how to proceed in Iraq sharply contrasted with that
of the Bush administration and he was replaced within three weeks. Gardener stated: “My
preference was to put the Iraqis in charge as soon as we can and do it with some form of
elections.... I just think... that we're better by establishing Government and re-establishing basic
services and getting things picked up and letting that Government, and through their own
electoral process, decide what's good for their country.”
While Garner pushed for elections and the reestablishing of basic services such as water
and electricity, the Bush administration was focused on “an elaborate plan to redesign Iraq's
economy on a radical free-market model” with US business taking large stakes.
One must
realize that putting the economic plan ahead of reestablishing basic life supporting services
meant that Iraqis would die as a consequence. This includes women and children. Public water
systems are very essential in the desert.
The majority of the American people will not tolerate war without a just reason. The
events of 9/11 and the resultant war on terrorism have provided this justification for years of war
to come in many countries around the world. On March 24, 2006, General Peter Pace, Chairman
of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said: “Iraq and Afghanistan will over time become stable but the war
on terror will continue long after Iraq and Afghanistan have had success in standing up their own
governments.... We are talking about years and years to come of vigilance. Today’s tactical
victory does not guarantee tomorrow’s strategic success.”
In a speech before the National Press Club on February 2, 2006 Secretary of Defense,
Donald Rumsfeld said the war on terror could last decades. The Washington Post reported that
Rumsfeld indicated in his speech that: “The United States is engaged in what could be a
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