Purpose of This Book Series
The purpose
of the study presented in this book series is
to expose who Babylon is so that the
inhabitants of Babylon can heed God's warning.
God is asking each of us to come out of
Babylon so that we do not partake of her
plagues. Therefore, it is my prayer and my
desire that everyone who reads these books
would be convicted of the true identity of
Babylon, that they make a decision to act on
what they learn and apply it to their lives.
I pray
that: the Holy Spirit of God will guide you
into all truth; that you will accept the truth
and the saving grace of Jesus Christ; that you
will come out of Babylon and into the
protecting and loving arms of God; that you
will be protected from all deception and
error. May YAWEH richly bless you, in the name
of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!
Important Book Ever Written About
This is probably the most important book
ever written about America – Your life, and the lives of all
Americans depend upon learning the truths
written in this book. If your not
interested in what the Bible has to say about
the United States, you should be! The Bible
details America's future and it is a topic of
vital concern to every American. Knowing what the Bible says about America
could save your life, not knowing may very
well cost you your life.
Soon Coming Judgment of God Upon America And How
To Escape It will
detail everything you need to know about America's
future as revealed in Bible prophecy. Most
importantly you'll
learn how to escape God's judgment which is
coming upon America. You need this
information and it is available no where else in a
single source. Bible prophecy has so much to say
about America, it takes two volumes to include it
all. The two volumes are available as a down
loadable eBook in PDF format. Adobe Acrobat is
required to read this book on your computer; it is
available as a free download if you don't have it.
Bible prophecy is God's way of
showing us the future. God declares “the end from
the beginning, and from ancient times the
things that are not yet done, saying, My
counsel shall stand, and I will do all my
pleasure” (Is 46:10). God wants us
to know the future because He loves us. God
clearly says in His word that the wages of
sin are death but because of His love for
us, He made a way of escape. Jesus Christ,
the Son of God, came and died for my sins,
your sins and the sins of the whole world.
Jesus died so that we don't have to and then
He rose from the dead. While Jesus accepted
our sins and suffered our death, we can
receive His righteousness.
God is love. He
reveals his love through his holy word
and through the sacrifice of his only
son Jesus Christ. Scripture reveals to
us God's holy and righteous law. God's
law is for our benefit. Everything bad
that happens on this earth is the result
of the breaking of God's law. This is
called sin. If sin had never occurred on
this earth, we would never have
experienced crime, violence, war or
oppression, hunger, poverty, sickness,
heartache, misery, pain, suffering, or
Each of us has broken God's law. The
Apostle John writes: "If we say that we
have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and
the truth is not in us." (1 John 1:8)
The penalty for this sin, which we have
all committed, is death (Genesis 2:14; Romans 6:23).
But rather than giving us the wages of
our sin, God offers us mercy and grace
by offering his son, Jesus Christ, as a
sacrifice. This was the ultimate gift of
love. The universe will never see a
greater act of love. The death of Jesus
Christ was offered in payment for the
sins each of us has committed. He died
in our place and through the
resurrection of Jesus Christ we can have
eternal life (John 1:29, 36, 3:16, 6:54;
Romans 5:21, 6:23; Titus 3:4-7; 1
Corinthians 15:3).
In order to obtain the
mercy and grace that God is offering us,
we must accept Jesus Christ and his
loving sacrifice for our sins. Mercy
includes the forgiveness of sins and the
suspension of our just rewards, which is
eternal death. Grace is unmerited divine
favor, which includes the righteousness
of Jesus Christ and eternal life.
It is impossible to
accept Jesus Christ without accepting
His holy word and His commandments. This
is because the Gospel of John tells us
that Jesus Christ is the word made
flesh: "In the beginning was the Word,
and the Word was with God, and the Word
was God. The same was in the beginning
with God. All things were made by him;
and without him was not any thing made
that was made. In him was life; and the
life was the light of men.... And the
Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us,
(and we beheld his glory, the glory as
of the only begotten of the Father,)
full of grace and truth." (John 1-4
& 14)
Jesus Christ is "the way, the truth, and
the life" and no one can go to the
Father (to heaven) except through Him.
(John 14:6) Since Jesus is the word made
flesh, no one can get to heaven except
through the word of God. The word of God
tells us that "all scripture is given by inspiration of God, and
is profitable
for doctrine, for reproof, for
correction, and for instruction in
righteousness" (2 Timothy 3:16).
Therefore, the word provides
instructions to us on how to become
righteous, how to obtain God's mercy and
grace. It also provides warnings and
examples of what will prevent us from
obtaining God's mercy and grace. If we
fail to follow the instructions given in
scripture and fail to heed God's
warnings, we will receive God's judgment
and wrath. If God were to let sin
persist forever, he would be letting
pain and suffering persist forever. A
holy and loving God can't and won't do
Our Choice -
Life or Death
It is our choice whether we live or
die. God has predestined each of us for
eternal life through the saving grace of Jesus
Christ (Ephesians 1:4-7). But he has also
given us the power of choice. We can choose to
accept what God has predestined for us or we
can choose to walk in sin, after the lusts of
the flesh, and the sinful pleasures of the
world. When we choose to walk in sin, God
sends the Holy Spirit to work on our hearts.
He also sends witnesses at various times. His
utmost desire is that no one would perish.
Unfortunately, most of
the world and much of America has rejected the
saving grace of Jesus Christ. This brings
great pain to the heart of God because he
loves each and every one of us. God is working
in the world to bring each of us to salvation
through Jesus Christ. He is not willing that
any of us be lost, therefore He uses anything He can to
bring us to realize our sin and our
hopelessness without Jesus Christ. When His
love is rejected, He must withhold His
blessings and protection so that we can
realize our need for Him and Jesus Christ.
This is called judgment. When all
else fails, God uses judgment to bring sinners
to repentance. God loves judgment (Is 61:8 and
Ps 37:28) because it brings sinners to
repentance. and eteral life.
The same principal holds true for
nations. When a nation rejects God or turns
away from Him, God eventually brings judgment.
The judgment of God is intended for good.
God's judgment is intended to bring sinners to
repentance and the saving grace of Jesus
Christ. Without judgment, sinners would never
turn to God and would therefore perish. During
the American Revolution, our government made
several proclamations for national days of
prayer and fasting. During the civil war,
President Lincoln called for the nation to
pray and fast. These times of trial brought
revival. After 9/11 church attendance
skyrocketed but unfortunately it was short
God's patience does not last
forever. When nations repeatedly fail to
repent in response to God's judgments, He
eventually brings a different form of
judgment. God
eventually destroys the nation that refuses
to repent and submit itself to Him.
This happens when a nations cup of iniquity is
filled. God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah when their cup of iniquity was
filled. The Amorites in the land of Canaan were
given over four hundred years to repent of
their wicked ways. This was the period of
time that the Israelites were captive in
Egypt. When God delivered Israel from Egypt,
the Amorites cup of iniquity was
filled and they were
judged for their wickedness. God used
Israel to judge and destroy the Amorites, Hittites,
Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and
Jebusites. When Israel departed
from God and His statutes they were
repeatedly judged as well.
The nation of Israel was
repeatedly defeated by its enemies. They
were taken captive, enslaved and many were
killed. Only after Israel repented were
their enemies defeated and the nation
restored. Eventually the Kingdom of Israel
was divided into the northern kingdom of
Israel and southern kingdom of Judah. Israel
was composed of the ten northern tribes.
They did evil in the sight of the Lord God
and he used Assyria to judge them. The ten
northern tribes were defeated and carried
away captive and the nation ceased to exist.
Judah was repeatedly judged as well. Ancient
Babylon defeated Judah and carried the
inhabitants away into captivity. Seventy
years later God restored the nation of
Judah. Judah was then defeated and occupied
by the Romans. In 70 A.D. God judged Judah
and used the Romans to destroy the nation
and the temple.
chapter is dedicated to “The Science of
Judgment” in Chapter 2, Volume 1, of The Soon
Coming Judgment of God Upon America And How To
Escape It!
The Nation
Forth The Fruits Thereof
Jesus had prophesied the
destruction of Jerusalem and further
that another nation would replace
Israel. He stated: “Therefore say I unto
you, The kingdom of God shall be taken
from you, and given to a nation bringing
forth the fruits thereof.” (Matthew
21:43) I believe along with many others
that Jesus was speaking of the United
States of America. America is the only
nation on earth founded as a Christian
nation and on the principals found in
God’s Holy Word. America has brought
forth the fruits spoken of by Jesus. We
have taken the gospel to the world but
like Israel we have departed from God,
His law and His truth.
A Nation Called by God!
Nation Blessed By God!
Like no other nation in the history
of the world, the United States has been
blessed by God. The U.S. has been blessed with
abundant food and natural resources; it has
been blessed economically, it has been blessed
with safety, it has been blessed with
religious freedom and a rich Christian
history. Jesus stated: “For unto whomsoever
much is given, of him shall much be required”.
Much is required of the U.S. by God and we
have fallen far short.
The Apostle Peter stated: “For the
time is come that judgment must begin at the
house of God: and if it first begin at us,
what shall the end be of them that obey not
the gospel of God?” (1Peter 4:17) Like Israel,
the United States has been called by God to be
a godly nation. It has been called to
represent the “house of God”! According to the
word of God, if the U.S. represents the “house
of God”, judgment must begin here!
Fallen Nation
America has fallen. Prayer, the
Bible and the ten commandments have been
banned from our public schools. While the
rights of atheists, homosexuals, witches and
even satanists are being protected in America,
Christians are being persecuted. Many
Christians have had to defend their rights
with very costly legal actions. What good are
the guarantees of the Constitution if it cost
you your life savings in order to protect your
rights in court? The average American doesn't
have enough money to defend their right to
freedom of religion even if they sold
everything they had. For most Christians,
religious freedom does not really exist in the
United States.
The fact that Christians are
persecuted should be no surprise, America is
essentially a pagan nation:
- Eighty-five percent of
Americans refuse to accept that their is
“absolute moral truth”.
- Forty-two percent (42%) of
Americans believe Jesus was a sinner,
and 39% don't believe that he
rose from the dead.
- The majority
of Americans (54%) believe that they can
earn their salvation; they no
longer believe in salvation by faith in
Jesus Christ.
- One survey
found that nearly half of America's most
conservative Christians believe that all
religions were equally true.
- Eighty-seven
percent of Americans admit that they don't
believe or accept all of the Ten
- Witchcraft and Satanism are
accepted as legitimate religions by the
U.S. government. God considers
witchcraft, satanism and all pagan
religions to be abominations. The
Satanic Bible teaches the necessity of
breaking God's commandments; this
includes human sacrifice.
As America has
declined from a Christian nation to a pagan
nation, the corresponding rate of social
breakdown has been very revealing. America leads the
industrialized world with the highest
murder, rape, and violent crime rates. The
U.S. is also at or near the top in rates
of abortions, divorces, unwed births and
sexually transmitted diseases. America
also consumes 50% of the world’s illegal
drugs. Thirty-three percent of married
Americans admit to having committed
adultery and over fifty
percent said they would commit adultery
if given the chance. Adultry is a
sin that required the death penalty in
ancient Israel.
If God destroyed Israel for these same sins,
why would he treat the United States of
America any differently? The simple truth is
that God will not treat the U.S.
differently. Like Israel, the U.S. has been
called to be a light unto the world and like
Israel we have departed from the truth. Like
Israel, will will be judged!
Warns The Nations Through His Prophets
According to God's holy word, God
does not judge a nation in secret. The Bible
reveals: “Surely the Lord God will do nothing
but he revealeth his secrets unto his servants
the prophets.” (Amos 3:17) This includes
judgment, God will reveal His coming judgments
to His prophets. Today there are many prophets
of God prophesying America's coming judgment.
But while these are true men of God, you don't
have to rely on them alone. Many prophets in
the Bible have also prophesied the coming
judgment of America. You probably haven't
heard this before. The reason is that much of
our understanding of Bible prophecy comes from
interpretations devised by men.
God is clear, “no prophecy of the
scripture is of any private interpretation.
For the prophecy came not in old time by the
will of man: but holy men spake as they were
moved by the Holy Ghost.” (2 Peter 1:20-21)
I'm not accusing anyone of purposefully being
deceitful. Nor am I claiming that I understand
all of Bible prophecy. What I am claiming is
that God gave me understanding concerning
America's future and I reveal this in The Soon Coming Judgment of God
Upon America And How To Escape It!
In this two volume eBook, little
known United States history and Bible
prophecy are blended to reveal and
confirm what the Bible says about
America's future. When you learn
the truth about many of America's most
ugly and guarded secrets you'll come to
realize that a just God must bring
judgment on America. Further, when you
learn about the terrible, hideous and evil
plans being laid by people in our own
government you'll realize that the
protection of God is your only hope! I''ll
show you all you need to know about
receiving God's protection and being saved
from the coming judgment of America.
The Bible describes a nation called
Babylon which will be very prominent during
earth's last days. The nation called Babylon
will be totally destroyed. Your probably aware
of ancient Babylon whose ruins now lay in
Iraq. This is not the Babylon of which the
book of Revelation speaks. Revelation clearly
shows that modern day Babylon will be the
world's leading military and economic power.
The Babylon of which the Book of revelation
speaks is the United States of America. This
is one of the keys of understanding America's
future as foretold in Bible prophecy.
America the Babylon has many
similarities and contrasts with ancient
Babylon of the Old Testament. When one
considers these similarities and contrasts, it
is evident that the Old Testament has much to
say about modern day Babylon (America).
Babylon is specifically mentioned 296 times in
the Bible by name in twelve different books.
Consider a few of the descriptions of Babylon
from both the Old and New Testaments.
The following is a paraphrased
compilation of some of the biblical texts
which are most helpful in identifying America
as the Babylon of Bible prophecy. The
following paraphrases are based on word
studies and definitions from The New
Strongs Dictionary of Hebrew and Greek Words.
I believe this compilation gives an
unmistakable picture of the identity of
Babylon which is the United States of America:
God describes Babylon as
the last of the nations. In other words,
it is the last great nation in earth's
history. Further, Babylon has a mother
nation who bore her, which is to say that
Babylon has won independence from its
founding nation (Jer. 50:12). [The U.S.
won independence from Great Britain.]
Babylon is a land of
immigrants and people of mingled racial
descent (Jer. 50:16, 37, 37). [The U.S. is
the most racially diverse nation on
on many waters. In other words, it is a
huge nation with coasts on more than one
ocean and possibly other large bodies of
water (Jer. 51:13). [The U.S. has coasts
on the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean,
the Gulf of Mexico and the Great Lakes.]
also a land of abundant natural resources,
which the Bible refers to as treasures
(Jer. 51:13). [The natural resources of
the U.S. are some the most diverse and
abundant in all the world.] Although
Babylon is rich in natural resources, she
is destroying her own land with pollution
and waste (Isa. 14:20).
Babylon is a nation of
wealth (Jer. 51:13; Rev. 18) and is the
praise and admiration of the whole earth;
everyone wants to be like her (Jer. 51:41;
Isaiah 13:19). Babylon is the richest
nation on earth and is a great consumer
nation with expensive taste (Rev. 18:3, 7,
19, 23). Babylon is so wealthy that her
warehouses and granaries are filled (Jer
50:26). [The U.S.
has the highest Gross National Product in
the world and is also the biggest importer
in the world.]
also a nation of extensive seaports (Rev.
18:17-19). Babylons wealth, expensive
taste and seaports have allowed her to
become the most important trading nation
in the world. The merchants of the nations
of the earth have grown rich because of
Babylon's appetite for imports (Rev 18:3).
The businessman of Babylon
are highly regarded around the world. They
are considered the great men of the earth!
(Rev 18:23).
Babylon is a great military
nation. She is considered a lady, even a
Queen among the nations. Babylon considers
herself to be invincible (Isa. 47:5,7;
Rev. 17:18; 18:7). Babylon is the
policeman of the whole earth (Jer. 50:23).
[The U.S. is the undisputed military
Superpower of the world. The U.S. Navy
patrols the world's oceans and the U.S.
has bases or a military presence in 74% of
the nations of the world. The U.S. has
also claimed jurisdiction over the entire
Babylon's military strength
includes the fortification of her strength
in the heavens. The heavens include the
sky (Jer. 51:53; Isa. 18:1). This is a
description of the last Superpower,
America. [The U.S.
has a vast air force, missile program, spy
satellites and even a space program]
- Babylon is a nation who was
birthed as a Christian nation (Rev. 18:2)
but it has become a nation of religious
confusion (Isa. 47:12-13). Babylon's
Christian leaders have led their flocks
astray (Jer. 50:6) and God considers these
Christian leaders strangers in the His house
of worship (Jer. 51:51). The people of
Babylon have become involved in the occult
including astrology, spiritualism, and
witchcraft (Isa. 47:12; Rev. 18:2).
The people
of Babylon have resisted and struggled
against the Lord God (Jer. 50:24). They
are a nation of Liars (Jer. 50:36) and
they lead the nations astray and into
apostasy (sin against God) (Jer. 51:7;
Rev. 18:3). Babylon has become a nation
where demons dwell and where every type of
deceiving demonic spirit is on active duty
(Rev. 18:2).
- Babylon has a
great City which “reignth over the kings of
the earth.” (Rev. 17:12) [New York in the
home of Wall Street. The leading
corporations of the U.S and the world have
offices in New York City. The leading
corporations influence politics in the U.S.
and around the world. New York is also the
home of the United Nations.]
Most of the above descriptions are
easy to comprehend but Revelation 18 contains
even further insight into the identity of
Babylon which is not so easily and quickly
understood. In fact, the descriptions of
Babylon in Revelation 18 can only be
completely understood when they are presented
along with little known American history. When
this little known United States history and
Bible prophecy converge, they indisputably
confirm the United States of America to be the
Babylon of Bible prophecy.
Judgment Is Coming
America The Babylon!
Will You
Be Safe?
Will Your Family Be Safe?
For The People of Babylon
God loves the inhabitants of
Babylon and through his great mercy and
grace he is calling them to repentance so
they can be spared from his judgment. He has
called me and many others to sound the
warning. On December 11, 2002, while I was
journaling God spoke to me:
“a time of destruction,
devastation, suffering, pain and judgment
is coming upon America.”
Again while journaling on February
14, 2003, God spoke to me:
“I am calling on you to warn this
nation. Warn on what is to come, warn on
the condition of this nation, warn on the
sin, the backsliding, the lack of prayer,
the selfishness, the seeking of pleasure,
the form of Godliness and denying the
power therein. Warn that they are to have
no part with those who deny my power, my
authority and my law.”
Although the warning is to the
entire nation, God has revealed in his word
that the nation of Babylon will not repent.
Therefore, he is calling individuals in
Babylon to repent of their sins and the sins
of their nation so that they may be
protected from the coming judgment upon the
nation. This
book series painstakingly
documents a literal mountain of evidence
that reveals the identity of Babylon, which
is the United States of America.
I did not come to this conclusion
on my own. I did not discover it and I did
not figure it out. It was revealed to me by
the Lord after hundreds of hours of prayer.
The First And Only Book
of Its Kind
Their are other books that
accurately reveal the identity of Babylon such
as America the Babylon and Hidden
Manna for the End Times. There are also
other books that reveal America's sins such as
The Medusa File, The Unseen Hand
and others. But The Soon
Coming Judgment of God Upon America And How To
Escape It is
the first and only book of its kind. It is the
only book series that painstakingly and
meticulously documents the historical evidence
which proves that America is Babylon.
This book was no minor accomplishment. It took
10,000 to 12,000 hours of research and
writing and it relies on hundreds of
sources. There are two volumes and a total
of 4,082 end notes. Because this is a
digital product, you can use the end notes
to directly access websites so you can
confirm the research and/or do further
research on your own. The important life
changing and life saving information
contained in this book can be obtained from
no other single source.
Not only
will you be convinced that the United
States is the Babylon of Bible prophecy
but you will learn what the Bible reveals
you must do in order to be saved from
God's coming judgment of the United
States. Make no mistake,
the Israelites were God's chosen people but
they suffered judgment repeatedly because they
abandoned God and his law. America is no
different, we will suffer judgment just as
Israel did. This judgment is revealed in God's
word and I reveal it in my book God's Soon
Coming Judgment of America And How To Escape
Doesn't Want You To Die
the coming judgment of America, tens of
millions of people will die. Those who
survive will suffer unbelievable hardship
and torment. This is not what God wants.
This is why He is sending a warning. He
wants you, your family and friends to be
saved. God is calling you to come out of
Babylon and be saved from the coming
plagues, suffering and death. But what does
come out mean? How is a person to come out
of Babylon? Are we to leave the United
States? Not necessarily.
order to come out of Babylon, you first must
be convinced that you are living in Babylon.
That is why God called me to write this
book. A person can not be saved unless they
know they are lost and a person can not come
out of Babylon unless they are convinced
they are living in Babylon. I love America
and like most Americans, I believe America
has done more good in the world than any
other nation in the history. But America has
a dark side and this dark side is beginning
to consume the nation.
If you
put a frog in a pan of cool water and put
that pan on the stove, the frog will remain
in the pan until he is cooked. He is
oblivious to the rising temperature that
eventually consumes his life. Americans are
like a frog in a pan of water on a stove.
Our eyes are focused on our past good deeds
and we are ignorant of the sin and
corruption that is consuming our nation and
our selves. Sin is all around us. America has become a wicked
nation. We lead the
industrialized world with the highest
murder, rape, and violent crime rates.
The U.S. is also at or near the top in
rates of abortions, divorces, unwed
births and sexually transmitted
diseases. In my book, I further
reveal much more hideous and evil things
which can be attributed to America.
the Vietnam war a popular phrase was coined,
“my nation right or wrong.” This phrase does
not represent God's law or His principals.
Christians are not to condone or participate
in that which is evil or is against God's
will. When you read about America's little
known history, you will be dismayed at what
America has done and you'll want no part of
it. That's what God wants. God wants you
to be separate.
I spent 10,000 to 12,000 hours researching
and writing this book. This research is
based on the research of hundreds of others.
Most likely, their combined research numbers
in the hundreds of thousands of hours. This
book would not be possible except for some
that have actually given their lives to
expose the truth.
people who are quoted in this book have had
one or more assassination attempts on their
lives. Other have died under mysteriously
circumstances; some have disappeared and
still others are in prison after being
framed. There a quotes from former
presidents, cabinet members and congressman
which will astound you. Much information is
also obtained from retired Generals,
Admirals, Colonels and members of the
intelligence community. There are quotes
from former and current enemies of America;
these include: Russian defectors, former
Russian presidents, Chinese military
planners, and former members of a group
known as the Illuminati. The Illuminati are
an international group of satanists striving
to form a one world government popularly
called the New World Order (NWO). Among the
Illuminati are many U.S government officials
who have conspired against the United States
and against God and His people.
Truth Is Being Censored
information is hot! It is cutting edge and
you can only get it here! So far I've been
unable to find a publisher willing to print
it. The secular publishing industry in
America is largely controlled by those who
are advancing a NWO. The Christian
publishing industry in America is largely
controlled by denominations who are
unwilling to print anything controversial or
which contradicts their traditional
interpretation of prophecy. That is why I'm
making this information available in a
downloadable electronic format.
You need to get this eBook today!
You need to learn the truth about The Soon Coming Judgment of God
Upon America And How To Escape It! If you want to be saved from this
coming destruction of America, you need
this book. If you want your family, neighbors
and friends to be saved from the coming
destruction of America, you need this
book. They need to be shown the
truth because God's word says the truth
shall set you free.
I can't
guarantee how long this book will be
available. This book reveals the
plans of the enemy and I'm sure they'll try
to put a stop to its distribution. This
enemy of America and God's people include
many within our own government. Because many
in our own government don't want you to read
this book, it may only be available for a
limited amount of time. While I have faith
that God will protect me, many others have
mysteriously died, disappeared or have been
framed and imprisoned. Don't wait until it
is too late, get The Soon Coming Judgment of God
Upon America And How To Escape It today.
Members of the Bush
administration and terrorism experts in the
private sector have repeatedly warned that
another terrorist strike is coming to
America. They have warned that the next
terrorist strike could be nuclear. Such an
event would most likely bring marshal law.
In the wake of a nuclear terrorist strike
and marshal law, our country will never be
the same again. Our freedoms will most
likely be restricted and books like The Soon Coming Judgment of God
Upon America And How To Escape It will
quite possibly be banned. You need this book today, don't
wait until it is too late.
Will You Know What To Do?
Without this book, how will you know what
to do, how will you know how to be saved from
the coming destruction? God can show
you just like he did me but I don't think you
want to go through what I went through. I spent
years in Bible study and then I got more
serious. I began studying more intensely and I
began praying 1-1/2 to 2 hours a day. I
continued with this intense prayer for 2-1/2 to
3 years before God began to show me the
prophetic truths that I have revealed in this
book. The prophetic truths that I reveal all
come from the Bible. I continued with this
intense prayer throughout the 4-1/2 years that
it took to write this book. During this time, I
went without income. Based on the typical salary
for my profession, I could have earned
approximately $360,000. With no income, I exhausted all my personal assets and
I had to sell my home. I
was injured and have suffered with intense pain.
I have also endured many other personal trials
that are too painful to mention.
Without this book, how will you know what
to do, how will you know how to be saved from
the coming destruction? God can show
you just like he did me but I don't think you
want to go through what I went through. I spent
years in Bible study and then I got more
serious. I began studying more intensely and I
began praying 1-1/2 to 2 hours a day. I
continued with this intense prayer for 2-1/2 to
3 years before God began to show me the
prophetic truths that I have revealed in this
book. The prophetic truths that I reveal all
come from the Bible. I continued with this
intense prayer throughout the 4-1/2 years that
it took to write this book. During this time, I
went without income. Based on the typical salary
for my profession, I could have earned
approximately $360,000. With no income, I exhausted all my personal assets and
I had to sell my home. I
was injured and have suffered with intense pain.
I have also endured many other personal trials
that are too painful to mention.
My suffering
and sacrifice will not go in vain. My suffering and loss is your gain
because you now have access The Soon Coming
Judgment of God Upon America And How To Escape
It! I suffered all this for you and
the thousands of others who will benefit from
learning the truth. The truth is, God's judgment
is coming upon America. If you want to be saved,
there are certain steps you must take and
changes you must make in your life and your way
of thinking. These are all revealed in The Soon
Coming Judgment of God Upon America And How To
Escape It!
I truly love
the United States and I truly believe that the
sacrifices I have made to write this book will
save a great many people. My prayer is that my
efforts will result in at least one million
people being saved from this coming judgment.
Won't you be one of them? We have over a million
men and women in our military and we have the
most advanced weapons systems in the world but
these are nothing to God. The U.S. military can't fight against the
judgment of God, they can't save you. Only God
can save you. If you want God to save you, you
must come out of Babylon. I'll show you how to
do this!
probably wondering why God choose me to write
this book, I don't know! The only answer I can
come up with is that I was willing to answer the
call and pay the price. The Bible reveals many
others who had to pay a price for their service
to God. Among these were Job, Joseph, King
David, Jeremiah and the Apostles. Job lost
everything because God singled him out to Satan
as a “a perfect and upright man, one that feared
God and escheweth (turns away from) evil” (Job
1:8). Satan destroyed everything
Job had in an attempt to get him to curse God.
Job remained true and God later restored
everything he lost twice over.
Joseph was
the son of Jacob and the great grandson of
Abraham. Joseph became second in command of
Egypt. But he paid a price. He was given a dream
of his future and after revealing the dream to
his brothers, they sold him into slavery in
Egypt. In Egypt he was falsely accused and
King David
paid a price as well. After being anointed as
the future King of Israel, he spent many years
in exile while King Saul sought to kill him. The
prophet Jeremiah was placed in prison for
revealing Israels future as God had revealed it
to him. And all the Apostles except for John
were martyred. Like these great men, I have had
to pay a price. Like Job, I have lost almost
everything but I believe you are worth it
because God loves you and sacrificed His son
Jesus for you.
Make my suffering and
sacrifice is your gain. Get The Soon Coming
Judgment of God Upon America And How To Escape
It today! Get it before its
too late!
This dynamic new two volume
series provides clear and convincing evidence
that America is the Babylon of Revelation 17
and 18 which God says He will destroy. It
takes two volumes to carefully document the
mountain of little known historical facts that
prove beyond any doubt that the United States
is the Babylon of Bible prophecy. Listed below
is a brief summary of the biblical texts and
history that will be clearly documented,
explained and discussed in each of these two
Part I – Introduction
three chapters are an introduction to this book
series. Chapter 1 is an introduction. Chapter 2
is entitled the “Science of Judgment” and
Chapter 3 is entitled “America in Prophecy.”
– Babylon Was Once A Christian Nation And Has
Become The Habitation Of Devils
This section documents that America was established
by God as a Christian nation and that it has
fallen and become a pagan nation. The
section is based on the text: “Babylon the
great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the
habitation of devils, and the hold of every
foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and
hateful bird.” (Revelation 18:2) This section
includes chapters 4 through 7. Chapter
4 documents
how America was established by Christians who
were following the will of God. Essentially,
America was established by God to carry out his great
commission which is to carry the gospel of
Jesus Christ to the world and to make
disciples. Chapters 5 through 7
document America's fall, how she has become
the “habitation of devils, and the hold of
every foul spirit.” Evidence of America's fall
can be seen in our heretical Christian
teachings, in social and crime statistics, in
our schools, in our entertainment and in the
abundance of occult activity in America.
You won't believe the
uttery depraved activities that are gowing
on in the U.S. Child prostitution, children
auctioned off as sex slaves, child
trafficers released from prison, government
involvement and cover ups, mind control, and
even human sacrifices.
Part III – Babylon Is The
Most Prosperous Nation On Earth
Revelation 18 clearly indicates
that Babylon is the world's economic powerhouse.
Chapters 8 and 9 deal with The United States
economic supremacy in the world. Specifically,
Chapter 8 gives statistics related to the U.S.
which document that “the merchants of the earth
are waxed rich through the abundance of her
(America's) delicacies.” (Revelation 18:3)
Further, statistics are provided on specific
types of imports in accordance with Revelation
18:11-13 which states that Babylon imports:
“gold, and silver, and precious stones, and of
pearls, and fine linen, and purple, and silk,
and scarlet, and all thymine wood, and all
manner vessels of ivory, and all manner vessels
of most precious wood, and of brass, and iron,
and marble, And cinnamon, and odours, and
ointments, and frankincense, and wine, and oil,
and fine flour, and wheat, and beasts, and
sheep, and horses, and chariots”. Lastly Chapter
8 deals with verse 22 which describes how
Babylon is a nation known for its music.
Chapter 9 primarily deals with
the last phrase in Revelation 18:13. The
picture presented is that the merchants of the
earth are weeping and morning at Babylon's
destruction because no one will buy their
merchandise any more. This merchandise
includes the “slaves, and souls of men.” (
Revelation 18:11, 13) In order to accurately
convey the meaning of this text, it is
necessary to dig into the original Greek. It
is very surprising what the original Greek
reveals. And like every other description of
Babylon, it is being fulfilled in multiple
ways by the United States.
Part IV – Babylon Has Led The
Kings Of The Earth Into Fornication
This section is based on the
text: “the kings of the earth have committed
fornication with her (Babylon)” (Revelation
18:3). This verse describes how America has led
the nations of the earth into rebellion against
God. One example of this is how America has
spent billions to proliferate abortion
worldwide. Chapter 10 covers abortion and
demonstrates from the Bible how God considers
abortion murder. It also shows how how the U.S.
has promoted abortion worldwide. America is also
leading the nations of the earth into the
ultimate and final act of rebellion against God.
This subject takes seven chapters to document
and explain. This act of rebellion is completely
depicted in Revelation 13.
The book of Revelation provides
God's end-time warning to the world and
Revelation 13 provides one of God's most well
known prophesies. In Revelation 13,
God warns that near the end of time on earth,
a one-world government and one-world religion
will emerge. This one-world government and
one-world religion will be a terrible beast
and will persecute God's faithful followers
who keep the commandments of God. The beast
will try and force all the world to accept a
mark and to worship an image of the beast.
Those refusing to accept the mark and worship
the image will be prevented from buying and
selling and will have a penalty of death
declared upon them. Only God's faithful
followers, those who keep the commandments of
God, will refuse to accept the mark and
worship the image.
In Revelation 17 God
shows that a woman he calls Babylon is riding
a beast. The beast is the one-world government
and one-world religion or New World Order
(NWO). God is revealing that this woman is
controlling the beast. America will control
the NWO. You see, a rider controls what they
ride. You'll be amazed at the documentation
which proves that the U.S. has taken the lead
in actively promoting and pushing for a
one-world government and one-world religion
which has been described as the New World
Order (NWO). You'll further see that God
prophesied America's role in the NWO nearly
2,000 years ago. God is sovereign and He
declares “the end from the beginning, and from
ancient times the things that are not yet
done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I
will do all my pleasure” (Is 46:10). What he
declares shall surely come about.
The eight chapters
that compose this section provide one of the
best sources of information on the NWO
available! This section alone is well worth
the price of the book! Most will find the
information almost unbelievable except that
it is well documented and true. For example,
did you know the Constitution
For The federation of Earth has already been drafted?
Volume 2
Part I –
Old Testament Biblical Descriptions Of
Babylon; A Queen; And Sorcery
Chapter 1 covers many of the Old
Testament verses concerning Babylon and Israel.
These verses are reviewed and compared and
contrasted with the Christian Church and America
of today, of the past century and of the near
future. The texts reveal that the Christian Church
in America closely parallels apostate Israel and
America closely parallels Babylon.
Chapter 2 is based on the
verse: “for she (Babylon) saith in her
heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall
see no sorrow” (Revelation 18:7). This verse is saying that
Babylon is the greatest military power on
earth and fears no other nations. Americas
military superiority and strength is
explainess and deals with the verse: “...for
thy merchants were the great men of the earth;
for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.”
(Revelation 18:23)
America's merchants are the great men of the
earth and they are deceiving the nations of
the earth through sorcery. This verse has
multiple fulfillments. Interestingly, the
Greek work translated as sorcery literally
means drugs. We generally think of drugs as
something consumed but pharmacologists
consider all chemicals to be drugs. Items
discussed include: illegal drugs, prescription
drugs and chemical. Illegal drugs, which have
been linked to the CIA around the globe. U.S.
drug manufactures have been linked to the sale
of harmful and even deadly prescription drugs
in third world countries. These harmful pharmaceuticals
include those that have been banned in the
U.S. because they can cause death.
is the history of the pharmaceutical
in the U.S. and how this industry has
supplanted God's natural remedies. Of particular interest to every
American is the very excellent discussion
and presentation of the
terrible safty risks posed by American
pharmaceuticals, vaccines and food additives.
This is worth the price of the book alone!
Part II – The Nations of the
Earth Suffer as a Result of Babylon’s Wrath
Most will find the
topics in this section very difficult to
believe until you actually see the evidence
and hear the quotes from well documented
sources. Among these sources are scientists,
historians, law enforcement officers, retired
military leaders, retired cabinet members,
military archives and the Congressional Record.
The entire eight chapters of this section deal
with the verse: “All nations have drunk of the
wine of the wrath of her fornication”
(Revelation 18:3). Babylon (the United States of
America) has poured out her wrath on the
While American view America as
a shining light unto the nations of the world,
this section thoroughly documents that all
nations have suffered as a result of the
actions of the United States. The nations have
suffered as a result of America's actions
whether well intentioned or not. Scientist
claim that the worlds food supply is
threatened as a result of American
bio-engineering. U.S. foreign aid has created
misery, poverty, starvation, dependency and
debt throughout the third world. The U.S. has
engaged in covert efforts to control the
world's population growth. The CIA has
interfered in the national affairs of
governments around the globe, it has
engineered coups and has supported repressive
regimes. Further, the U.S. funded and aided
the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia and helped
the Communist takeover China. The U.S. helped
build the military industrial complexes of
Russia and Nazi Germany. The U.S. covertly
made plans for the U.S. to enter WW I and WW
II with hopes of creating a one-world
government. And the U.S. created the privately
owned Federal Reserve as a mechanism to fund
the above activities. The documentation
on these subjects is astounding and includes
many quotes from the Congressional record.
Part III – Babylon Has Shed
the Blood of Prophets
The seven chapters in this
section deal with the most difficult verse
describing Babylon. This verse states that
Babylon is responsible for shedding “the blood of
the prophets and saints and all that were slain
upon the earth” (Revelation 18:24). By aiding Russia, China and
Nazi Germany, America is accountable for those
who were brutally killed by these regimes.
America has further given glimpses of what could
occur in the future in events like Ruby Ridge,
Waco, Oklahoma City, and on September 11, 2001.
Significant amounts of evidence shows that the
government had advance knowledge of the Oklahoma
City and September 11th bombings and either did
nothing or worse may have been involved in the
planning. You need to see the evidence to
believe it!
Further, the legal ground work
has been established for America to fulfill
this particular prophecy. Executive orders
enable the president of the U.S. to declare
Marshall Law and to control every facet of
American life and property. Civilian
internment camps have been and are being built
and government documents exist that identify
Christians as enemies of the state.
Again, you need to see the evidence to believe
it! You need to have this evidence son you can
show it to your family, friends and neighbors.
Again this is some of the most complete
and well documented information available.
There are many excellent books on 9/11 but
this contains one chapter that prevents well
documented evidence that will put chills down
your spine! Once you see the evidence, you
can't help but realize that your government
has lied to you. Further, you will see how
9/11 relates to U.S. plans for a NWO and how
it relates to Bible prophecy. The seven
chapters in this section are well worth the
price of the book!
Part IV – The Destruction of
The Bible says Babylon will be
destroyed in one-hour: “And the kings of
the earth... shall bewail her, and lament for
her... for the fear of her torment... for in one
hour is thy judgment come” (Revelation 18:9-10).
This section deals with who could possibly destroy
America and when might this destruction be coming.
Chapter 19 answers the question of who could destroy the greatest
military power ever on the face of the earth?
That was the question during the reign of the
ancient empire of Babylon but she was conquered!
The military strengths of Russia and China are
discussed along with new secret weapons. Insight
is provided from high ranking soviet military
defectors and Chinese military strategists who
wrote Unrestricted
Warfare: China’s Master Plan To Destroy
Chapter 20 deals
with the timing of America's judgment. While I
am not convinced of when the judgment occurs, it
is certain that it occurs before the return of
Jesus Christ. Using the Prophecies of Jesus from
the Book of Mathew and statistics on the
increases in earthquakes, famines, plagues, and
war, I have well document that the return of
Jesus could be just several years away. Based on Bible prophecy and
the current evidence, it appears certain that
this generation will see the return of Jesus
Christ. Therefore, America's destruction may
not be far off.
propbably one of the best discusions of the
timing of Christ's return that you will find!
It includes charts and statistics which
document the increases in earthquakes, famines, plagues, and
war. The year these increase began is documented
and this along with critical biblical texts
gives us an idea of when Christ will return.
Jesus said the generation that sees these things
take place will not pass away until all is
fulfilled (Mat 24:34). You need to read this!
Part V – What Shall I Do?
This is the most
important chapter of the series. It tells you
what you need to know in order to be saved
from the coming destruction of America.
The Apostle John writes: “And I heard
another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of
her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her
sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.”
(Revelation 18:4)
This chapter tells how YOU can escape the coming
judgment of America. This is the reason that God
gave the prophecy to the Apostle John and why he
instructed me to write this book. GOD WANTS YOU
Get The Soon
Coming Judgment of God Upon America And How To
Escape It today!
volume series is a very important study for
anyone who lives in or participates in what
God calls Babylon. Likewise, this series is
just as important for anyone who lives in any
nation that has forsaken God and his law; this
includes every nation of the world. Revelation
18 describes
Babylon is and the final fate of Babylon,
which is her destruction. Revelation
18 is
God's warning to Babylon and the whole world.
Therefore, this book will clearly and
undeniably expose America the Babylon as the
nation described by God in Revelation 17 and
18. With the identity of Babylon exposed,
God's warning can go out to the inhabitants of
America as he intended. Additionally, as the
truth and accuracy of God's holy word is
revealed, many in Babylon and many more
throughout the word will recognize Jesus
Christ as “the way, the truth and the life.”
And further, that no one can come to the
Father except through Him (John 14:6).
Most Likely Agree That Judgment Is Coming
On America Without Even Knowing It
If you think
America is a Christian nation and that God loves
America, then you agree that judgment is coming
upon America. Why? Because God punishes or
judges his son's and daughters in order to bring
about right behavior and thinking in them. He
states: “...My
despise not thou the chastening (reproof,
punishment, judgment) of the Lord, nor faint
when thou art rebuked of him: For whom the
Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every
son whom he receiveth. If ye endure
chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons;
for what son is he whom the father chasteneth
not? But if ye be without chastisement,
whereof all are partakers, then are ye
bastards, and not sons.” (Heb 12:5-8)
Judgment also comes first upon God's people: “For
the time is come that judgment must
begin at the house of God: and if it first
begin at us, what shall the end be
of them that obey not the gospel of God?” (1
Peter 4:17)
If you think
America can't be Babylon then you agree that
judgment is coming upon America. If America is
not Babylon, then she must be destroyed so
another nation can arise and fulfill all the
descriptions of Babylon which have been
fulfilled by America.
To Know The Future
People want to
know the future. They want to know if there
relationships will last; they want to know which
job to take; they want to know if their business
will succeed; they want to know the lottery
numbers etc. etc. etc. But only God knows the
future and he reveals it to his prophets. While
only God knows the future, many, many people in
America are not seeking after God or his true
prophets. Instead they are looking to the stars
(horoscopes), they are seeking fortune tellers,
psychics, mediums, witchcraft and spirit guides
etc. God calls these things an abomination and
he says they shall not be found among his people
(Deuteronomy 18:10-12).
God reveals the
future through His prophets and His holy word.
God's prophets are not fortune tellers; they can
only reveal what God wants to reveal. Because
God loves each and every one of us, he gives
advance warning of his judgment. He wants
desperately to call-off his judgments. His
warnings are intended to make this possible.
They are intended to lead us to repentance and
the saving grace of Jesus Christ. “If my
people, which are called by my name, shall
humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face,
and turn from their wicked ways; then will I
hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin,
and will heal their land.” (2 Ch
contrast to this, God told Israel that all
those who said that his judgment would not
come would die in the judgment. “For,
lo, I will command, and I will sift;
the house of Israel among
all nations, like as corn is sifted in a sieve, yet shall
not the least grain fall upon the earth. All
the sinners of my people shall die by the
sword, which say, The evil shall not
overtake nor prevent us.” (Amos
Warning of Impeding Destruction
Many people will
do almost anything to avoid hearing God's
warnings. They stick their fingers in their ears
and their head in the sand. They are afraid!
This is because they don't know or understand
God. God is love. He is much, much more than the
most loving kind and generous person you could
ever imagine! God offers us solutions and a way
out! We are weak but he is strong and he gives
that strength to us.
While many avoid
God's warnings, He is offering what they truly
want if they just understood what it is He is
offering and what He is trying to do. No one
would deny wanting advance warnings if they had
been in the following places when destruction
- The Branch Davidian compound
in Waco Texas when the BATF raided and later
when it was burned.
- The Oklahoma City Federal
building when it was bombed.
- The World Trade Centers on
- Relaxing on the beach when
the tidal wave hit southeast Asia.
If the people who died in these
devastating events had been warned, they would not
have died. They could have made simple changes
that would have taken them out of harms way.
That's the purpose of God's warnings. He wants
each of us to make the necessary changes in our
lives which will save us from the coming
destruction of America.
Get The Soon Coming Judgment of
God Upon America And How To Escape
It today! This
dynamic life changing and life
saving two volume eBook is
packed with the most timely
and important information
about America's future and only requires a
donation - You set your
price. Volume
one and two each have a retail
value of $39.95, that's a
value of $79.90 but you can
have it today for a donation.
The suggested donation is
$24.95. If you were
to buy all the books and video
documentaries I used in
writing this book series, they
would cost you
thousands. It would also
take you years to read it all
those books. But you can
have all I learned from the
thousands of dollars worth of
material I used as
sources and the
thousands of hours of research
for a voluntary donation.
a way of saying thank you to all who
make a donation to purchase my book,
I am including two free gifts. Gift
#1 is a compilation of 12 Dreams
and Visions of America's Future from
genuine men of God. In this eBook
you'll also receive links where you
can read more dreams from some of
these men of God.
Gift #2 is
entitled Free Books. This
eBook has links to hundreds of free
resources including free digital
Bibles and Bible study resources,
free audio Bibles, free Bible
software, free Christian newsletters
some of my favorite links free
software and much more. The software
includes a free office suite and
free professional grade photo
editing and manipulation software. I
include links to over 100 free
digital books and links to libraries
with hundreds more. I highly
recommend many of these books. I
used many as resources. Except I
didn't have such easy access. I had
to search the nations libraries and
request many of these resources
through interlibrary loans.
Now many of these resources are
available for free and I show you
were to get them. There was one book
that I was never able to get. I was
unable to find it in a library. I
put a request on 1/2 price eBay and
waited for months for one to become
available. When one became
available, the asking price was
$1,000. It is now available online
and I'll give you a link were you
can get it for free. While compiling
several sources of free audio
Bibles, I came across an audio Bible
selling for over $300 but you won't
have to pay this because I'll give
you several links were you can get
an audio Bible for free.
eBook must be downloaded and comes
in a PDF format. That means you can
have it downloaded in the next few
minutes and begin reading it today!
Adobe Acrobat is required to read
the PDF file. If you don't have
Adobe Acrobat, it can be downloaded
for free. My download page provides
a link to Adobe
The Soon Coming
Judgment of God Upon America
And How To Escape It!